Jax Ohashi

Jax Ohashi is a transgender multidisciplinary artist who creates work that centers on identity, spirituality, and personal mythology. His recent thesis work uses the phallic, ubiquitous, and often kitsch form of the obelisk to question the placement of trans histories in our world and the inexplicable beauty of his own identity. It exists to examine his own complex present and past in a series of reliquaries, transformational series, coded text, and superpositional pairs. He endeavors to bring together the seemingly disparate nodes of his existence through the metaphor of his work for viewers to examine and revere.

About the Artist

Jax Ohashi (b. 1997, Fairfax, VA) was born and raised in Fairfax, VA. He holds a BFA in Industrial Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. After what he hopes to be his last existential crisis, he has come to George Mason University in Fairfax, VA to achieve his MFA in Sculpture.

Height Meter
1280 x 720 px

Instagram: @jaxohashi

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