同感地带 | Empathy Zone

杂志首发!Announcing Zine!
第三部分:创作未来 Part III: Envision

独立杂志由李恩真设计。The zine is designed by Esther Eunjin Lee.


Finally, “Empathy Zone” is happy to announce our bilingual zine–bringing our exchange into a physical publication. 


Throughout the year of 2020, we held virtual space for ongoing, in-depth conversations among eight artists from Beijing and Washington, DC. The project was produced by majority Asians, as well as BIPOC folks. Despite the travel ban, twelve hour time difference, and language barriers, this project facilitated the artists making genuine connections on a human level and creatively collaborating to represent the globe as a large “Empathy Zone.”


This past week has been difficult for many AAPI peoples, as well as the rest of America. We hope this zine will foster the spirit of solidarity and harmony amongst all races and cultures.


本杂志售价$20 (运费需另加)。全部销售所得都将赠与岩石城VisArts艺术中心。岩石城四分之一的人口为亚裔;我们希望VisArts能通过开展艺术活动继续凝聚社群力量。

To purchase the zine please visit: Domestique website The zine is $20 (plus shipping). All proceeds go to VisArts at Rockville, where nearly a quarter of the population is Asian American, to cultivate more inclusive community building through the arts.


We thank everyone who helped make this project come to life.

第三部分:创作未来 Part III: Envision

Creator’s Final Responses to Envisioning the Empathy Zone 

安东尼奥·迈克菲 Antonio McAfee






“Such stars are rotating, mostly ‘unenlightened,’ but surrounded by a medium with bright patches that are both irregular in size and in movement.”

– Can you see them?

– Where?

– Right over there, follow my finger.

– They’re looking at each other like this is the first time they have seen each other. 

段少锋 Duan Shaofeng 

These are some of my 2020 feelings as “empathy”–after all these are real feelings,

as for what counts as real, I think desires and deaths are real,

and it’s the complicated emotions intertwined in these events that make them real. Therefore the birth of “empathy” is emotional, and art as a universal visual language is a way of empathizing                                               

索比亚·阿马德 Sobia Ahmad 

“我们的当下碰撞交错, 抑制着我们的脆弱。要知道——他们也许有深有浅; 他们的存在,都是一样的。” 

殷雅迪 Yin Yadi 

大杉尚子 Naoko Wowsugi 

共情力的种子炸弹 (蜂膏)

李琳琳 Li Linlin

Dreams are like traps

Persistence and perseverance are just aesthetics 

We are not here to be consumed by popular culture

There’s nothing else to look at outside the window, except for the sinking sun

There will be bread


I have had fears for tomorrow

The unknown

Flashing flashlight reveals the color of the sky

Lighting a candle in a dark room, I see light

Make sure you lock the door 

乔瑟夫·奥尔佐  Joseph Orzal 



耶苏 Ye Su 

Please pick a piece of news from 2020 that meant the most to you and send links or pictures to Ye Su at sailbout@163.com. Su will turn the collected news into a printed newspaper.